Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July 2009 Granbury, TX

Our friends Rick & Cindy have a house just off the historic Granbury Square and across the street from Lake Granbury. They invited us to their party to eat BBQ, visit & watch the city fireworks display. They have really made a lot of improvements to their backyard since the last time we were there and it made for a great place to have a party & view the fireworks which are set off on the lake. Speaking of improvements, Granbury itself is really making some changes and is on the verge of being almost a resort type town. If you've never been there, or haven't been in a while you need to go check it out.

Here are some photos we took.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Below are some pics from Father's Day at our home. Kyle learned to cook during his years in college, so we asked him to make us his specialty hamburgers. He loads up jalapenos, pepper jack cheese & other ingredients in between to thin patties, molds them into one and grills them. They are huge and good.

We had a nice, relaxed time.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Trip to Colorado

We took our annual Memorial Day weekend trip with our friends Beth and Charlie. This time we went to Colorado Springs. It was our first time back in Colorado since the mid 1980s, so it was a treat to go back to the mountains.

Here are some photos of the trip.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Kyle's Graduation SFA May 16, 2009

Helen and I had a major life event, our son Kyle graduated with a Masters in Accountancy. Now he and his big sister Tiffany are both college graduates with Masters Degrees. Helen and I are proud and relieved to have the financial obligations of college behind us. Kyle's Aunt Janis & Uncle Byron, Cousin Jordan, Uncle Fred and Aunt Ann, Aunt Cheryl, his sister Tiffany and her husband Brian and their kids Jackson & Juliana joined Kyle and us to celebrate and witness his graduation. Ann & Fred & Janis & Byron & Jordan had to get up at 3 or 4 am to make the 3+ hour drive to be at the ceremony by 9:30 am, so it was a special honor to us that they think enough of Kyle do that. The graduation class was the biggest ever at SFA and I had to get there before the doors opened to save seats for everybody because the attendance was expected to exceed the seating capacity. Luckily the Masters Graduates got to go first, so after Kyle walked the stage we all left and went to IHOP for lunch/breakfast. Kyle called us after the ceremony was over and we all went to his frat house for a cookout. Everyone needed to get back home, so no one stayed around to eat burgers, but Helen and I. We stayed until about 6 pm and then said our goodbyes and headed home. It was kind of sad thinking that we would probably never be back to Nacogdoches again, it is really a pretty part of East Texas.

For those of you that were unable to attend the ceremony I have uploaded a video of Kyle receiving his diploma. As I said at the beginning we are quite proud of his accomplishment in getting such a demanding degree and feel good knowing that he has all he needs to have a bright & prosperous future.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Tea Party 2009 Fort Worth, Texas

I heard that some folks were getting together to protest the government spending & the bailouts of the crooks & morons caught up in the mortgage & banking mess, so I stopped by and took some pictures. The organizers had a band there and by about 5 pm some 800 or so people had signed the sign in sheet. I left at 5:30 & more people were coming as they got off work. I was glad to see that there was a good representation of age groups because the young people are the ones that are going to have to bear the burden of what is taking place right now.

Here are some pics from the event.

Fort Worth Texas Tea Party 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Babysitting the Grandkids

Jackson fell against the coffee table and gouged a hole in his head, naturally we needed to go see about him so we offered to babysit them Saturday night. He had to have staples and putty put in the hole and will have a scar, but he didn't even bruise and it seemed like it was not bothering him at all.

Here are some pics we took.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Juliana visits her Great Grandma

Jackson spent the night with us Friday & Saturday. He and Helen laid together on the couch and watched Rudolf the Red Nosed Raindeer. On Sunday we met Brian and Tiffany & Juliana at my mothers. It was the first time Juliana got to visit her Great Grandmothers house.

Here are a few pics.

Kyle & Kathleen


Kyle's girlfriend Kathleen came to visit us a few days after we got back from KY. It was our first time to meet her. She is a very sweet girl and we enjoyed having her here. Kyle took her to Joe T's for lunch on New Years day & then we took them both to Mac's for dinner. They left later that night to head back to Nacogdoches.
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